I wanted to write a 'quick' post, if there is such a thing, so I decided to pick a topic I could talk freely about without so much research on the topic. Even more than usual I'm going to struggle to keep this in so many words that you won't get extremely bored, I can't promise anything but I'll try!
So I'm going to say it now, and judge me all you like but at least let me explain, I do like twilight! When the film advert first came out, I wasn't too fussed, 'its just another soppy movie with some fantasy thrown in', I thought, but then a friend told me to read the book. I love reading, I used to read a book a week on average (before starting architecture!), so although a bit reluctant to join just about every other teenage girl in the world of twilight, I gave it a go. The first chapter I had to force myself to continue reading, after that, I couldn't stop. Stephanie Meyer's style of writing was ok, for a first novel it was good, compared to other books I have read it didn't appear to be that well written, but that wasn't why I was enthralled. The characters were believable, as much as they can considering half are vampires and the story, although simple, was captivating! I truly could not stop reading and I will admit that I have re-read it since! It was just so addictive, I HAD to keep reading! After a while I didn't notice that it wasn't perhaps that well written, I was so engrossed in the story and felt like I knew the characters!
I read the other books in the series too and have seen the films to date. Personally, I much prefer the books, through script writing and editing, chapters I felt were important were missed out and obviously the portrayal of characters and scenes wasn't how I had personally imagined it. Don't get me wrong, the films are good films, but I don't really associate them with the books in the sense of comparing the two. Obviously the basic story is the same, the characters are the same, even some of the dialogue is the same, but in my head: they are completely different!
So that's my opinion on twilight itself. What about the 'twi-hards'? to them I'd say, 'calm down a bit!' It isn't real, the character's are fictional and do not reflect the personalities of the actors! I think some people just got far too carried away to be perfectly honest!
a design for t-shirts and badges I found online that let me tell you I was tempted to get and hand out in town... |
What about those who make fun of anything and everything twilight? personally I think they should calm down a bit too. What harm is it doing for other people to enjoy reading these books or watching these films? Fair enough it has been commercialised a LOT but like all fads, it will go away in time, there is no need to get so worked up about it.
I do apologise, this 'short post' didn't turn out so short after all! But it got it out of my system and I'm not going to lie I am really in the mood to go read the book again...
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