Ok so I was thinking, depending on what mood I am I don't really have an apple juice/orange juice preference but I know my brothers do! So this post I plan on comparing the two and finding out what other people think!
After researching, I have discover that Tesco and Asda both sell their own branded 'value' and 'smartprice' apple juice for £0.62 and Sainsburys sell their 'basics' apple juice at £0.56. Asda 'smartprice' orange is also £0.62. Sainsburys and Tesco however sell their value/Basics orange juice slightly cheaper at £0.56 also.
Tesco 'value' and Asda 'smartprice' juices are in cartons whereas Sainsburys 'basics' are plastic bottles -as can be seen below.

As on customer described Tesco 'Value' apple juice;
‘Indeed I like the design and the layout of this product, I would describe it as simple but eye catching'.
Decision time...
So a facebook status resulted in a response of 8 votes (not as much as I was hoping but to be fair it was a silly time of night and people were a littel confused as to why I was asking!). 3 votes to apple juice and 5 to orange.
Reasons for the votes included; 'apple because orange is too concentrated' and 'orange since it is full of vitamin C'.
Personally, apple juice at night time, orange in the morning when I need woken up! I prefer orange juice 'with bits' but I know that isn't for everyone, eg my brother!
So there we go, apple juice vs orange juice, a little bit of random pointless information to waste time in your reading -and my creating! :)
Apple juice can be turned in to cider ... but orange juice makes a great voddy and OJ or a tequila sunrise ... ooh I just can't decide now. Bottoms up!